ボニー・ダンディー (Bonnie Dundee)
ウォルター・スコット(Walter Scott) 伝承音楽
集いし者らにクレイヴァーハウスが 声高らかにこう告げた 今こそ忠義と名をかけて 我に続け、とボニー・ダンディー
(コーラス) さあ、カップを満たせ、ジョッキもだ 馬をひけ、兵を呼べ 門を開け、我ら放て さあ、皆続け、とボニー・ダンディー
馬にまたがり通りを行く 鐘に送られ太鼓にのり 見送る町の 追い払えるぞ、悪魔のダンディー
山と大地に囲まれて 力ある者多かれど 我ら 雄叫び上げよ、オー、ボニー・ダンディー
さあ、丘へ原へ岩山へ 逆賊どもに屈しはせぬ 震えよ、 我の死、見届けるまで
Tae the lairds i' convention T'was Claverhouse spoke E'er the Kings crown go down, There'll be crowns to be broke; Then let each cavalier Who loves honour and me Come follow the bonnet O' bonnie Dundee.
(Chorus) Come fill up my cup, Come fill up my can Saddle my horses And call out my men And it's Ho! for the west port And let us gae free, And we'll follow the bonnets O' bonnie Dundee!
Dundee he is mounted, He rides doon the street, The bells they ring backwards, The drums they are beat, But the Provost, douce man, Says“Just e'en let him be For the toon is well rid of that De'il o' Dundee.”
There are hills beyond Pentland And lands beyond Forth, Be there lairds i' the south, There are chiefs i' the north! There are brave duniewassals, Three thousand times three Will cry“Hoy!”for the bonnets O' bonnie Dundee.
Then awa to the hills, To the lea to the rocks, Ere I own a usurper I'll crouch with the fox So tremble false Whigs, In the midst o'your glee, Ye have not seen the last O' my bonnets and me.