ちいさなスズメ (A little cock sparrow)
スズメがいちわ きのうえ チュンチュンとなくよ げんきに いたずらぼうずがやってきて ゆみやでこいつをいってやろう
おにくでシチューをつくろう のこりはパイにしてやろう いやだよ スズメそういって パタパタはばたき さようなら
A little cock sparrow sat on a green tree, And he chirruped, he chirruped, so merry was he. A naughty boy came with his wee bow and arrow, Says he,“I will shoot this little cock sparrow.”
“His body will make me a nice little stew, And his giblets will make me a little pie too.” “Oh, no,”said the sparrow,“I won't make a stew,” So he clapped his wings and away he flew.