ちいさなおとこ (There was a little man)
ちいさなおとこ こういいました けっこんしてくれない? どう? どう? どう?
それよりほかに なにもいえない けっこんしてくれない? どう? どう? どう?
ちいさなむすめ こういいました もっとはなしをしてよ ねえ ねえ ねえ
けっこんしきは どこであげるの そんなはなしもしてよ ねえ ねえ ねえ
ちいさなおとこ こういいました うまくはなせないんだ ノウ ノウ ノウ
ぼくのこころは あいにもえてる ことばにならないんだ ノウ ノウ ノウ
ちいさなむすめ こういいました なにをたべてくらすの? ねえ ねえ ねえ
こころの火では りょうりはできない あいだけでくらせるの? ねえ ねえ ねえ
ちいさなおとこ ためいきついて こころのなか なみだが ぽつ ぽつ ぽつ
ぼくのこころで たりないならば なんとかてにいれるよ ぽつ ぽつ ぽつ
ちいさなむすめ こころうたれて おとこにこたえました イエス イエス イエス
ちいさくたって すてきなこころ わたしにくれるのなら イエス イエス イエス
There was a little man, And he wooed a little maid, And he said, Little maid, will you wed, wed, wed ? I have little more to say, Than will you, yea or nay? For least said is soonest mended, ded.
Then little maid she said, Little sir, you've little said, To induce a little maid for to wed, wed, wed; You must say a little more And produce a little ore, Ere I to church will be led, led, led.
Then the little man replied, If you'll be my little bride, I will raise my love notes a little higher, higher, higher; Though I little love to prate Yet you'll find my heart is great, With the little God of Love all on fire, fire, fire.
Then the little maid replied, If I should be your bride, Pray, what must we have for to eat, eat, eat? Will the flames that you're so rich in Make a fire in the kitchen, And the little God of Love turn the spit, spit, spit?
Then the little man he sighed, And some say a little cried, And his little heart was big with sorrow, sorrow, sorrow; I'll be your little slave, And if the little that I have, Be too little, little dear, I will borrow, borrow, borrow.
Then the little man so gent, Made the little maid relent, And set her little soul a-thinking, king, king; Though his little was but small, Yet she had his little all, And could have of a cat but her skin, sin, skin.