きょうのごちそう (Oh, what have you got dinner, Mrs. Bond?)
きょうのごちそうはなんですか さかなかアヒルか どっちでも グァーグァー グァーグァー こっちきな おなかにタマネギつめてやろ
まずはさかながたべたいな それからアヒルをしめてくれ ほら グァーグァー グァーグァー こっちきな おなかにタマネギつめてやろ
アヒルをつかまえてきてちょうだい おやすいごようとジョンがいう ほら グァーグァー グァーグァー こっちきな おなかにタマネギつめてやろ
いけまでつかまえにいったけど アヒルがいうには じょうだんじゃない ほうら グァーグァー グァーグァー こっちきな おなかにタマネギつめてやろ
かみさんかんかんだ とんできた タマネギをたんとかかえこんで ほうら グァーグァー グァーグァー こっちきな おなかにタマネギつめてやろ
にがすもんかいな あきらめな おきゃくのおなかにはいるんだ グァーグァー グァーグァー こっちきな おなかにタマネギつめてやろ
Oh, what have you got dinner, Mrs. Bond? There's beef in the larder, and ducks in the pond; Dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly, come to be killed, For you must be stuffed and my customers filled!
Send us the beef first, good Mrs. Bond And get us some ducks dressed out of the pond, Cry, Dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly, come to be killed, For you must be stuffed and my customers filled!
John Ostler, go fetch me a duckling or two, Ma'ma, says Jphn Ostler, I'll try what I can do, Cry, Dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly, come to be killed, For you must be stuffed and my customers filled!
I have been to the ducks that swim in the pomd, But I found they won't come to be killed, Mrs. Bond; I cried, Dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly, come to be killed, For you must be stuffed and my customers filled!
Mrs. Bond she flew down to the pond in a rage, With plenty of onions and plenty of sage; She Cried, Dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly, come to be killed, For you must be stuffed and my customers filled!
She cried, Oh little wag-tails, come and be killed, For you must be stuffed and my customers filled! Dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly, come to be killed, For you must be stuffed and my customers filled!